provide for a comprehensive insurance program to protect
citizens and the County government, its public officials,
employees and agents; to provide that such comprehensive
insurance program may include the purchase of insurance from
surety companies or, in the alternative, provide for funded
self—insurance, or a combination thereof, to provide
authorization to cooperate in the program with the
Montgomery County Board of Education, Montgomery College,
fire departments and rescue squads, the Montgomery County
Revenue Authority, the Housing Opportunities Commission, and
any other governmental agencies; to provide for the defense
of claims by the County Attorney in accordance with the
Montgomery County Charter; to provide for a self—insurance
program with an annual appropriation to provide funds for
the program; to provide for an Interagency Insurance Panel
to administer the self—insurance program; to provide that
the Interagency Insurance Panel shall prepare an annual
budget for the self—insurance program to be submitted to the
Montgomery County Executive; to provide that the Interagency
Insurance Panel shall keep minutes of meetings and prepare
status reports; and to express the legislative intent that
the provisions of this Chapter do not constitute a waiver of
sovereign or governmental immunity.
Approved April 17, 1978.
Bill No. 3-78
Chapter No. 38
AN ACT to amend Chapter 29, title "Fair Landlord—Tenant
Relations", of the Montgomery County Code, 1972, as amended,
by adding new Section 29-30A, title "Landlord to post
notice"; to require landlords to post or distribute notice
indicating where responsible representative(s) may be
reached at all times in emergencies.
Approved April 20, 1978.
Bill No. 4-78
Chapter No. 39
AN ACT to amend Chapter 2, title "Administration",
Montgomery County Code 1972, as amended, by repealing and
reenacting with amendments Sections 2—24, title
"Compensation of County Executive", and 2—66, title
"Compensation of Members of the County Council"; by adding a
new Section 2—123A, title "Compensation of State's Attorney"
to Article VII, title "State's Attorney and Assistants"; for
the purpose of increasing the annual compensation of the
County Executive, the members of the County Council and the