Bill No. 19-78
Chapter No. 42
AN EMERGENCY ACT to amend Chapter 11B of the Montgomery
County Code, 1972, as amended, title "Contracts, Purchases
and Dispositions" by repealing in its entirety Sec. 2 of
Chapter 32, Laws of Montgomery County, 1978, and by
repealing and reenacting with amendments Section 11B—44,
title "Interest in contracts or purchases generally;
penalties" to repeal certain provisions which were replaced
by Chapter 32 of the Laws of Montgomery County, 1978,
dealing with the Board of Education and to exempt from these
provisions elected officials or employees of County
government, the Revenue Authority, the Housing Opportunities
Commission or the various Fire Departments of Montgomery
County. Extend the effective date of Chapter 32 to conform
with that of HB1470 as enacted by the 1978 Session of the
Maryland General Assembly.
Approved May 15, 1978.
Bill No. 17-78
Chapter No. 43
AN EMERGENCY ACT to amend Chapter 29 of the Montgomery
County Code, 1972, as amended, title "Landlord—Tenant
Relations," by repealing and reenacting with amendments
Section 29—16, title "Required Generally" to substitute the
Director of the Department of Environmental Protection for
the Executive Director in conformity with previously enacted
laws; Section 29—49, title "Administrative Enforcement and
Penalties" to eliminate criminal penalties and substitute a
civil penalty; Section 29-51 (b), title "Rental Housing Data
Collection", to include vacant units under data collection
requirements; and Section 29—55, title "Rent Adjustments and
Guidelines", to provide for a 6.1% guideline for the
remainder of calendar year 1978; to provide that the 1979
guideline be based on the average of the six most recent
bi-monthly indices; to clarify that vacant units are
excluded under the provisions of the voluntary rent
guidelines system, and to permit landlords to average the
rents over a given rental facility to determine conformity
with the guidelines.
Approved May 19, 1978.
Bill No. 13-78