Chapter No. 35
AN ACT to amend Chapter 41, title "Recreation and
Recreation Facilities," of the Montgomery County Code 1972,
as amended, by repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Section 41—21, title "Recreation board—Created;
composition; appointment and terms of members; filling of
vacancies; ex—officio members," and Section 41—27, title
"Same—Composition; appointment, terms and compensation of
members; filling vacancies; ex—officio members; advisors" to
change the month in which the terms of board members
terminate, to reduce the number of organizations providing
ex-officio board members and to create two alternate
advisory board positions for each recreation area advisory
Approved March 31, 1978.
Bill No. 12-78
Chapter No. 36
AN EMERGENCY ACT to amend Chapter 20, title "Finance"
of the Montgomery County Code 1972, as amended, by adding a
new Article VI, title "Bond guarantee program" authorizing
Montgomery County, Maryland, to guarantee, upon its full
faith and credit, bonds to be issued by the Housing
Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County in the
principal amount not exceeding $10 million to finance the
provision, development, or rehabilitation of housing at
rental rates and prices not being offered in adequate
quantity by the private sector, pursuant to the authority of
Chapter 840 of the Laws of Maryland 1977; providing
procedures for the County's review and approval of the
issuance of such bonds; and providing for the levy of
unlimited ad valorem taxes for the payment of the principal
and interest of such bonds under the terms of the said
Approved April 18, 1978.
Bill No. 16-78
Chapter No. 37
AN ACT to amend Chapter 20, title "Finance", Montgomery
County Code 1972, as amended, by repealing and re—enacting,
with amendments, Section 20-44, title "Comprehensive
Insurance and Self—Insurance Program for Employees Insurance
and Hospitalization"; to redesignate it as Section 20-37 and
to add it to a new Article VII, title "Insurance"; to