valves and equipment appurtenances and all properties,
rights, easements and franchises relating thereto and deemed
necessary or convenient by the Commission for the operation
thereof; and
WHEREAS, the Commission is authorized by Sections 631G
to 631—0, inclusive, of the Code to issue its revenue bonds
from time to time for the purpose of providing funds for
paying the cost of acquisition and construction of
transmission, treatment and distribution facilities of said
water supply system; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Allegany
County finds that expenses necessarily incurred by the
Commission in the preparation and issuance of such revenue
bonds (including costs of preparing a trust agreement as
required by Section 631-I of the Code, trustee's fees, and
legal fees) may make it economically impractical or
impossible to finance certain essential projects of the
Commission through the issuance of such revenue bonds; and
WHEREAS, County Commissioners of Allegany County (the
"County'1) is authorized to borrow money for any public
purpose and to evidence the borrowing by the issue and sale
of its general obligation bonds in accordance with Sections
14 to 21, inclusive, of Article 25B of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1973 Replacement Volume and 1977 Cumulative
Supplement); and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the
County finds that in order to facilitate the performance of
the Commission's essential governmental functions, for the
benefit of the people of the County and the improvement of
their health and living conditions, it is essential to
provide as an alternative to the issuance of revenue bonds
by the Commission or the issuance of bonds by the County
under the provisions of Article 25b, another means of
financing projects of the Commission through the issuance of
bonds by the Commission, after the approval of the County,
upon the full faith and credit of both the County and the
Commission; and
WHEREAS, Article XI-F of the Maryland Constitution
provides that a code county, such as the County, may enact,
amend, or repeal a law applicable to the incorporation,
organization, or government of the county and contained in
the county's code of public local laws, and prohibits the
General Assembly of Maryland from enacting, amending, or
repealing a public local law which is special in its terms
or effect within a code county; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that
the law establishing the Commission is one applicable to the
incorporation, organization, or government of the County and
contained in the County's code of public local laws; now
Effective Date: June 5, 1978.