WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Maryland at its January
Session of 1977 enacted five Acts proposing amendments
to the Constitution of Maryland to be submitted to the
voters at the next General Election, to wit: Chapter
679, relating to local approval of Constitutional
Amendments; Chapter 680, relating to the provisions of
limited duration; Chapter 681, relating to obsolete,
inaccurate, invalid, unconstitutional, or duplicative
provisions; Chapter 682, relating to the election of
county council in Prince George's County; Chapter 683,
relating to Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission in
Montgomery County.
WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Maryland at its January
Session of 1978 enacted seven Acts proposing amendments
to the Constitution of Maryland to be submitted to the
voters at the next General Election, to wit: Chapter
971, relating to the procedures and powers in the
budgetary process; Chapter 972, relating to the right
of prior entry on vacant land in Anne Arundel County;
Chapter 973, relating to State short-term notes;
Chapter 974, relating to elected or appointed officer
of the State; Chapter 975, relating to publicizing
amendments to the Constitution; Chapter 976, relating
to the compensation of public officers; Chapter 977,
relating to the quick-take condemnation authority for
Chestertown in Kent County.
WHEREAS, the said above recited Acts and each of them, and
Article XIV of the Constitution, provide for the
submission of the same to the legal and qualified
voters of the State for their adoption or rejection, at
the election to be held on November 7, 1978; and
WHEREAS, at the election held on the day and date set forth,
the said Acts and each of them were so submitted to the
legal and qualified voters of the State and from the
certified copies of the returns thereof, duly filed
with me as directed by the Constitution and Laws of the
State, it appeared that:
For the adoption of Chapter 679, (Question No. 1) as
aforesaid, 431,356 votes were cast, and against the
adoption thereof, 126, 074 votes were cast; and
For the adoption of Chapter 680, (Question No. 2) as
aforesaid, 394,063 votes were cast, and against the
adoption thereof, 124,186 votes were cast; and
For the adoption of Chapter 681, (Question No. 3) as