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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 2966   View pdf image
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of the State Department of Education, the Honorable Richard
Shifter, P.O. 8717, Baltimore—Washington International
Airport, Baltimore, Maryland 21240; and the State
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. David W. Hornbeck, P.O. Box
8717, Baltimore—Washington International Airport, Baltimore,
Maryland 21240; and be published generally throughout the

Approved May 16, 1978.

No. 27

(Senate Joint Resolution 65)

A Senate Joint Resolution concerning

Education of the Role of Farming

FOR the purpose of requesting the Maryland State Department
of Education to provide classes a program in the public
schools of Maryland dealing with the farming industry.

WHEREAS, There is an increasing number of people who
have no concept of the food chain, our most basic need of
life; and

WHEREAS, We are faced today with people who sincerely
believe that their food is a product of the supermarket and
that it has no relation to the farmer; and

WHEREAS, There is a continuing decline of farms and
farmers and that industry is now represented by less than 7
percent of the population; and

WHEREAS, Each farmer is responsible for approximately
27 other jobs and consumes 46 percent of our Gross National
Product; and

WHEREAS, This industry is more important to our economy
than any other single industry; and

WHEREAS, The farmers of Maryland have pledged their
support to host student farm tours and provide speakers to
help create a better understanding of all phases of
agriculture so that this vital part of everyone's life will
cease from being taken for granted; now, therefore, be it

Maryland State Department of Education request funds in the

budget to develop a at least one course of study in

farming for all students of at least 1 week every year
enrolled in their senior year of high school provide classes

for all students in the public schools dealing with the


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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 2966   View pdf image
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