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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 2965   View pdf image
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BLAIR LEE III, Acting Governor


while values must not be taught explicitly, they must be

taught implicitly by content examples.

There are large numbers of parents and educators who
feel deeply that today's society and particularly our
schools, must address this void in the educational
orientation and development of our children; now, therefore,

be it

Governor appoint a 20—member Commission, with adequate
funding, for the purpose of identifying and assessing
ongoing programs in moral and values education in the
schools of Maryland, and to make recommendations toward the
implementation of Values Education into the curriculum.

The Commission should be balanced on the State and
local level, and comprised of representatives from the
following: State Department of Education, State Government,
State School Board, local school board, State Association of
PTA's, curriculum specialists, school teachers, school
principals, clergy (Judeo—Christian sector) , youth, school
counselors. Chamber of Commerce, Department of Labor, and
Industrial Development, media, sports, service organization,
and the public at large.

Suggested materials should include materials that
provide good role and good deed models and attitudes that
foster a sense of civic morality. Examples are; Lives of
our early founders, great Americans of the past and present,
the great documents which were the basis of the heritage of
America, notable statements of principle by recent minds
that emphasize devotion to ethical and moral values; and be
it further

RESOLVED, That this program should not require a
separate course designation with its own block of time in a
school period. It could, however, be an addition to or used
in conjunction with all areas of the curriculum with special
emphasis in Social Studies or American History. To be
useful, though, it would need to be treated as a distinct
element of each course with its own resources and its own
unique implementation format. If approached thoughtfully,

and carried out skillfully, this This type of "values"

program will serve to foster a respect for high standards of
conduct and help students make effective value judgments,
and to familiarize them with their "place in the world"; and
be it further

RESOLVED, That it is the sense of the General Assembly
that the type of "values education" described is desirable
from the point of view of elevating the general ethical and
moral standards of our future citizens; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the
Acting Governor, the Honorable Blair Lee III; the President


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Session Laws, 1978
Volume 736, Page 2965   View pdf image
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