(b) A candidate for licensure to practice midwifery
shall be licensed if, after examination by two physicians
named by the State Board of Health and practicing in the
respective city or county in which the applicant is a
resident, he or she is deemed properly qualified. All
licensed midwives shall register with the clerk of the
circuit court of the county in which they respectively
reside or with the commissioner of health, if they reside in
the City of Baltimore.]
Any midwife of good moral character, who had a
certificate or license to practice midwifery issued in any
other state, or the District of Columbia or a foreign
country, where the requirements for licensure, in the
opinion of the State Board of Health, are equal to the
requirements for licensure in this State, shall be entitled
to a license to practice midwifery in this State.]
[89.] 87.
It shall be unlawful for any [person] licensed [as a]
midwife to attend any except normal cases of childbirth[, to
make vaginal examinations, or to deliver retained placenta
per vagina or attempt delivery by instruments or version].
In all cases in which the child is not delivered
spontaneously within a reasonable time, the midwife shall
notify a [qualified practitioner of medicine] PHYSICIAN
immediately, and shall make no effort to deliver the child
except under the direction and supervision of such
[90.] 88.
[It shall be unlawful for any] A midwife in attendance
at the birth of any child [to] MAY administer [any] ONLY A
drug to the [said] child or the mother [thereof, except]
upon the advice of a [qualified practitioner of medicine;
provided, however, that nothing in this subtitle shall be
construed to prohibit the proper use of nitrate of silver in
the child's eyes as hereinafter provided. It shall be the
duty of the midwife in attendance at the birth of any
liveborn child to drop into the eyes of every such child
within two hours after birth a solution of nitrate of silver
which shall be furnished to her in sufficient quantities at
her request by the State Department of Health, and, if,
within two weeks after the birth of that child, such child
develops a sore eye or sore eyes, or, if, within two weeks
after the birth of such child, its eyelids become reddened
or inflamed or discharge pus, any midwife in attendance at
the birth of such child shall immediately notify the health
officer or the county or district in which the child was
born, or a qualified practitioner of medicine, of such
condition of such child] PHYSICIAN OR AS REQUIRED UNDER §
[91.] 89.