Witnesses"; Section 207, heading, County
Commissioners", subheading "Correctness of Bills to
be Established"; Section 208, heading, "County
Commissioners", subheading, "Examination of
Witnesses"; Section 209, heading, "County
Commissioners", subheading, "Other Accounts and
Claims"; Section 214, heading, "County
Commissioners", subheading, "Penalties"; Section
219, heading, "Procurement"; Section 220, heading,
"County Commissioners", subheading, "Trailer and
Tourist Camps; Regulation"; Section 221, heading,
"County Commissioners", subheading, "Merit System;
Group Insurance"; Section 222, heading, "County
Commissioners", subheading, "Pensions for County
Employees"; Section 223, heading, "County
Commissioners", subheading, "Secretarial Service to
Legislative Delegation"; Section 224, heading,
"County Commissioners", subheading, "Peddlers and
Solicitors"; Section 521, heading, "Time",
subheading, "Daylight Saving Time; Powers",
Effective December 12, 1976.
Bill No. 76-81
AN ACT to repeal Section 229 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Harford County (1965 Edition, as amended),
heading, "Commission on Human Relations", and to
enact new Article 6, heading, "Human Relations", to
be added to Chapter 14 of the Harford County Code
(1975), heading, "Morals and Conduct"; Article 6 to
generally make unlawful certain practices which
violate a person's civil liberties, constitutional
rights or are discriminatory in the areas of
housing, employment, education, public
accommodations and other related fields as
situations may require; to ensure that all citizens
are provided equal protection, equal treatment and
due process of the law; to prohibit certain methods
of solicitation for the sale or purchase of real
estate; to provide for penalties for the violation
of this Act; to provide for the definition of
certain terms of this Act; to provide for a
screening of complaints by the Human Relations
Commission Coordinator; to provide for remedial
actions and damage awards for violation of
provisions of this Article; and generally relating
to human relations in Harford County, Maryland.
Effective December 14, 1976.
Bill No. 76-82