Effective December 6, 1976.
Bill No. 76-75
AN ACT to repeal Section 254, heading, "Explosives",
Section 264, heading, "Fortune-Telling", and Section
26 5, heading, "Foxes", all of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Harford County (1965 Edition, as
amended), and to add new Article 1, heading,
"Offenses Against Property"; new Article 2, heading
"Offenses Against Public Peace, Safety and Morals";
and new Article 3, heading, "Littering", to Chapter
14, heading, "Morals and Conduct", of the Harford
County Code (1975 Edition, as amended); "Offenses
Against Property" to provide for the protection of
County property; "Offenses Against Public Peace,
Safety and Morals" to provide that loitering in
public areas shall be prohibited; to prohibit
fortune—telling; and to provide fox certain public
library regulations; "Littering" to provide that the
throwing of trash be prohibited in Harford County;
and further to provide certain penalties for the
violation of the Articles and generally relating to
morals and conduct in Harford County, Maryland.
Effective December 12, 1976.
Bill No. 76-77
AN EMERGENCY ACT to add new Article 2, heading, "Private
Utility Meters", to Chapter 24, heading, "Water and
Sewer", all of the Harford County Code (1975), said
Article to provide procedures and regulations for
the use by the County of certain private utility
meter readings.
Effective October 14, 1976.
Bill No. 76-80
AN ACT to repeal in their entirety the following Sections
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Harford County
(1965 Edition, as amended); Section 88, heading,
"Assessments", subheading, "Building Permits
Required"; Section 89, heading, "Assessments",
subheading, "Permits for House Trailers"; Section
179, heading, "Burnings", subheading, "Regulations";
Section 206, heading, "County Commissioners",
subheading, "Levy for Jurors, Bailiffs, Criers,