AN ACT to repeal Ordinance No- 26 of Harford County,
Maryland, heading, "Grading and Sediment Control
ORDINANCE". and to enact in lieu thereof a new
Chapter 10, heading, "Sediment Control", to be added
to the Harford County Code (1975); and to add new
Article 1, heading, "In General", to Chapter 10 of
said Code; to provide for definitions; permit
requirements for certain land disturbing activities;
permit application requirements, procedures to
govern major modifications of approved plans;
conditions of permit issuance; permit revocation and
suspension for failure to conform to approved plans,
specifications and regulations; performance bonds of
amounts dependent upon the area involved in land
disturbing activity; inspection of land disturbing
activity, including procedures where water retention
structures have been provided; prohibited conduct
involving land disturbing activities; procedures for
adopting administrative rules and regulations,
subject areas for such rules and regulations; and to
provide for penalties.
Effective January 17, 1977.
Bill No. 76-87
AN ACT to add new Chapter 23, heading, "Vehicles and
Traffic", to the Harford County Code (1975), and to
add new Article 5, heading, "County Vehicles", to
said Chapter 23, all to be added to the Harford
County Code (1975); to establish standards and
criteria for the assignment and use of County owned
or leased vehicles generally.
Effective January 17, 1977.
Bill No. 76-91
AN ACT to repeal Section 179A of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Harford County (1965 Edition, as amended),
heading, "Harford County Building Code Ordinance",
and to repeal Section 254A, heading, "Facilities for
the Handicapped", of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Harford County (1965 Edition, as amended); and to
repeal Sections 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261,
262 and 263, heading, "Fences", all of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Harford County (1965 Edition,
as amended); and to repeal Harford County Ordinance
No. 2 and 2A, heading, "Trailer Camps"; and to add
new Chapter 5, heading, "Building", to the Harford