AN EMERGENCY ACT to repeal in their entirety Ordinance
Number 5 for Harford County, Maryland, heading
"Building and Plumbing Permits", and Ordinance
Number 22 for Harford County, Maryland, heading
"Schedule of Fees", and to enact in lieu thereof a
new Chapter 13, heading "Licenses and Permits", to
be added to the Harford County Code (1975). To
provide for the issuing of licenses and permits by
Harford County, Maryland, and the fees charged for
licenses and permits; to provide for application
forms, refunds, duration of licenses and permits,
renewals, transferability, suspension and revocation
of licenses and permits; to provide for fee
schedules for various licenses and permits. County
services, rezoning and subdivision fees, and
generally relating to licenses and permits in
Harford County, Maryland.
Effective March 18, 1976.
Bill No. 76-14
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
9—3(b), subheading, "Containers"; Section 9—3(c),
subheading, "Commercial Facilities"; Section 9—3(e),
subheading, "Junk Vehicles"; Section 9—4(e),
subheading, "Unrepairable Structures"; and Section
9—10(b), subheading, "Abatement", all of Chapter 9,
heading, "Environmental Controls", (Article i "In
General") of the Harford County Code; to provide the
use of plastic bags for the disposal of trash; to
change the cleaning requirements for commercial
disposal equipment; to provide for clarification of
screening requirements for junk vehicles; to provide
for changes in agency responsibilities; and to
provide for the establishment of new procedures for
the collection of charges incurred by the County in
enforcing the Environmental Control Act, and
generally related thereto.
Effective June 7, 1976.
Bill No. 76-26
AN EMERGENCY ACT to add new Chapter 3, heading,
"Amusements", to the Harford County Code, and to add
new Article 4, heading, "Concerts", to said Chapter
3, all to be added to the Harford County Code; to
provide for adequate facilities for concerts.
Effective April 15, 1976.