Bill NO. 135-76
AN ACT to regulate the quantity and quality of wastewater
admitted to public sewers; to require certain
persons or companies discharging waste into public
sewers to furnish Baltimore County data about
quantity and qualities of such discharges; to
provide for control and pre—treatment of industrial
wastes; to provide for facilities to meter waste
discharges and the maintenance of records; to
provide for the levy of service surcharges for the
discharge of amounts exceeding maximum values of
polluting materials; to provide for the billing and
collection of surcharges and the imposition of late
payment interest penalties and to provide for
penalties for violations of the provisions of this
act by renumbering the present Baltimore County Code
sections 34-79 through 34-83 to Sections 34-83
through 34—87 under present Article IV. Towson
Sewerage System, and by adding new Sections 34—79
through 34—82 to the Baltimore County Code, 1968,
title "Water, Sewers, Sewage Disposal and Drains",
Article III. Metropolitan District, under new
Division 5, Industrial Wastes.
WHEREAS, Regulations of the Environmental Protective
Agency, pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control
Act, require that applicants for grants
in—aid—of—construction for wastewater treatment
facilities enact by legislative act an industrial waste
ordinance providing for the regulation of industrial
wastes to be discharged into treatment facilities and for
the levy of a service charge for industrial wastewater
discharges possessing chemical, biological, and physical
characteristics in detrimental excess of those normally
found in domestic sanitary wastewaters; and
WHEREAS, Baltimore County has been, is, and intends
to be the grantee of said grants—in-aid—construction; and
WHEREAS, by virtue of the County's cost
participation in and use of subsidized improvements at
Baltimore City's wastewater treatment facilities into
which County—generated industrial wastewaters flow, the
County is a beneficiary of said grants to the City, and
WHEREAS, the County has agreed with the City to
provide for industrial waste control and to remit to the
City surcharges collected from County properties
discharging effluent into the City's sewage treatment
Approved December 10, 1976.
Bill No. 138-76