title "Finance and Taxation", Article IX. Property
Transfer Tax.
Approved September 17, 1976.
Bill No. 91-76
AN ACT to prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages
and the possession of opened containers of
alcoholic beverages on any public property, or
property used by the public in general, or on any
highway, or in any vehicle on any public property,
property used by the public in general, or any
highway except where otherwise expressly permitted
by State and/or County law and/or regulation, by
repealing and re—enacting, with amendments, Section
18-1.1 to the Baltimore County Code, 1968, title
Approved September 17, 1976.
Bill No. 127-7 6
AN ACT to prohibit the owners of dogs from permitting
them to run at large off the owner's property unless
controlled by leash, cord or chain, and to provide
exceptions for certain dogs, by adding new Section
3-28.1 to the Baltimore County Code, 1968, Title
"Animals", Article IV. Owner Requirements, by
amending the definition of "Animals at Large" as set
forth in Section 3-1 of said Code, as enacted by
Bill No. 28—76, and by adding the definition of
"Dog at Large" to said Section 3-1 of said Code.
Approved October 15, 1976.
Bill No. 128-76
AN ACT to exempt veterinary hospitals from the licensing
requirements of the animal control law, by repealing
and re-enacting with amendments Section 3—23 of the
Baltimore County Code, 1968, as enacted by Bill No.
Approved November 10, 1976.