Bill No. 132-76
AN ORDINANCE to add new Section 13-103 (50A) to the Anne
Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements),
Title 13, "Planning and Zoning", Subtitle 1,
"Subdivisions", Article I, "In General", to follow
immediately after Section 13—103 (50) thereof; to
add new Section 13—129 to said Code, Title,
Subtitle, Article V, "Other Division of Property",
to follow immediately after Section 13—128.1, to
create a new classification of subdivision entitled,
"Family Conveyance"; and matters generally related
Approved December 13, 1976.
Bill No. 135-76
AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE to repeal Section 13-303.2 of the
Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and
Supplements), Title 13, "Planning and Zoning"
Subtitle 3, "Alternate Zoning Regulations", Article
III, "Residential Districts"; to repeal Section
13-318.2 of said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article
V, "Industrial Districts"; to repeal Section
13-320.2(a) of said Code, Title, Subtitle and
Article VI, "Special Districts"; to repeal Section
13-343.29 of said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article
XI, "Special Exceptions"; to add new Section
13-303.2 to said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article
III, "Residential Districts"; to provide that
certain enumerated uses are permitted as special
exceptions in RA — Agricultural Residential
Districts under certain conditions; to add new
Section 13-318.2 to said Code, Title, Subtitle and
Article V, "Industrial Districts", to provide that
certain enumerated uses are permitted as special
exceptions in W3 — Heavy Industrial District subject
to certain criteria; to add new Section 13—320.2(a)
to said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article VI,
"Special Districts", to provide that certain
enumerated uses are permitted as special exceptions
in DD — Deferred Development Districts subject to
certain provisions; and to add new Section 13—343.29
to said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article XI,
"Special Exceptions", to establish certain standards
and criteria relating to sanitary landfills as
special exceptions in RA, W3, and DD Districts, and
to provide that only Anne Arundel County may operate
such sanitary landfills subject to a certain
specific exception for the City of Annapolis; and
providing that this Ordinance shall be an Emergency