Bill No. 72-76
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact, with amendments,
Section 13-326, of the Anne Arundel County Code
(1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 13, "Planning
and Zoning", Subtitle 3, "Zoning Regulations",
Article VII# "Nonconformance"; to repeal Section
13326.1 of said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article
and to enact new Section 13326.1 in lieu thereof to
stand in the place of the Section repealed; to
repeal and re-enact, with amendments. Section
13-326.2 and Section 13-326.3 of said Code, Title,
Subtitle and Article; to repeal Section 13326-4 of
said Code, Title, Subtitle and Article and to enact
new Section 13326.4 in lieu thereof to stand in the
place of the Section repealed; to repeal and
re-enact, with amendments. Section 13326.6A of said
Code, Title, Subtitle and Article; to add new
Section 13-326.6B to said Code, Title, Subtitle and
Article; to repeal Section 13326.8 of said Code,
Title, Subtitle and Article and to enact new Section
13-326.8 in lieu thereof to stand in the place of
the Section repealed; to add new Section 13343.18A
to said Code, Title, Subtitle Article XI, "Special
Exceptions"; to provide for certain standards
relating to nonconforming uses; to provide for
certain structural alterations authorized by law; to
provide a schedule of discontinuance for certain
nonconforming uses; to provide further for the
termination, expansion and reconstruction of certain
nonconforming uses; to provide certain setback
requirements for dwellings and lots deemed
nonconforming; to provide for the registration of
certain existing nonconforming uses; and to provide
that under certain conditions a nonconforming use
may be expanded or combined; and matters generally
related thereto.
Approved August 3, 1976.
Bill No. 78-76
AN ORDINANCE to repeal Section 1-200(c) of the Anne
Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements),
Title 1, "Administration", Subtitle 2, "Personnel",
Article I, "Exempt Service", and to enact new
Section 1-200(c) in lieu thereof, to stand in the
place of the section repealed, to increase the base
salaries in the Executive Pay Plan.
Approved August 3, 1976.