County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title
17, "Taxation", Subtitle 7, "Miscellaneous Taxes",
to provide for the hiring of special police
protection in the Annapolis Roads Special Community
Benefit District, and matters generally related
Approved July 8, 1976.
Bill No. 69-76
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and re—enact, with amendments,
Sections 18-200, 18-200A, 18-201, 18-203 and 18-205
of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and
Supplements), Title 18, "Traffic", Subtitle 2,
"Interference With Emergency Equipment"; and to add
new Section 18—201A to said Code, Title and
Subtitle, to generally establish a parking offense
for those vehicles parked in commercial fire lanes,
to prohibit certain parking in spaces reserved for
physically handicapped persons, adding a definition
CERTAIN DEFINITIONS, establishing certain
impoundment authority, adopting certain enforcement
procedures, establishing a penalty for parking
violations, providing for certain boundary
determinations, and for designation of certain lanes
by certain authorities in a certain manner; and
generally relating to regulation of certain parking
spaces and fire lanes.
Approved July 21, 1976.
Bill No. 70-76
AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE to repeal Section 15-404 of the
Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and
Supplements), Title 15, "Public Works", Subtitle 4,
"Water and Wastewater", and to enact new Section
15—404 in lieu thereof; to provide that the Director
of the Department of Public Works may declare a
state of public water shortage and may implement
regulations restricting the use of the public water
supply in certain parts of the County under certain
circumstances; to provide for the advertisement of
such regulations; to provide penalties for
violations of such regulations; to provide for the
turning off of water service under certain
circumstances to persons violating such regulations;
and matters generally related thereto.
Approved July 8, 1976.