The Commission on Ethnic Affairs is created as
a unit within the Department of Economic and
Community Development.
(a) The Commission consists of thirteen
persons appointed by the Governor from among
the various ethnic organizations in the State
in such manner as to be fairly representative
of the racial, cultural, and ethnic
communities in the State- The Chairman shall
be designated by the Governor.
(b) The term of office of each member of the
Commission is two years, except that, of the
initial members, seven shall be appointed for
a term of one year and six shall be appointed
tor a term of two years.
The Commission shall:
(a) Advise the Governor on the needs of all
ethnic or racial groups in the State of
(b) Cooperate with existing ethnic or racial
commissions in the State in an attempt to
coordinate their activities.
(c) Maintain contact with and coordinate the
activities of all ethnic and racial
communities in the State.
(d) Promote the exchange of information
among ethnic and racial communities.
(e) Promote studies or projects to further
the public understanding of all racial or
ethnic communities in Maryland.
(f) Act as liaison with and provide
assistance to ethnic and racial communities in
overcoming cultural, language, educational, or
social barriers.
(g) Act as liaison for racial and ethnic
communities in dealing with governmental
(h) Maintain a listing of all ethnic or
racial organizations in the State.
(i) Conduct studies on the history of needs
of any ethnic or racial community.
(j) Have the ability to seek funds from