or related institutions, or to laboratories or other
areas in which a higher temperature is necessary to
the maintenance of heat sensitive equipment or
(b) In the event of a conflict between
the provisions of paragraph 1(a) and the
requirements of a curtailment plan adopted by a
utility pursuant to curtailment policies adopted by
the Federal Power Commission and the Maryland Public
Service Commission, the latter requirements shall
[2. The limitation of 73,280 pounds on the
gross weight of vehicles or combinations with five
axles, provided for in Article 66 1/2, § 14-109(b)
of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended or
replaced from time to time, is suspended with
respect to tankers transporting petroleum products;
and a limitation of 80,000 pounds gross weight or
the transporting of not more than 8,000 gallons of
petroleum products, whichever is heavier, is
substituted therefor with respect to such tankers
transporting petroleum products. The statutory
limitation of 73,280 pounds shall remain in effect
for all other vehicles in the class to which that
limitation applies.
3. All lighting used for decorative or
advertising purposes, and all lighting not essential
for public safety on parking lots or along roads and
highways subject to the jurisdiction of the State or
local government shall be extinguished. The
determination of which lighting along such roads and
highways is not essential for public safety shall be
made by the State Highway Administration with
respect to roads and highways subject to State
jurisdiction, and by the local government with
respect to roads and highways subject to its
4. The Public Service Commission shall
authorize utility companies supplying natural gas to
suspend the delivery of natural gas not essential
for the protection of property to customers failing
to comply voluntarily with the natural gas
curtailment plan instituted by the utility pursuant
to curtailment policies adopted by the Federal Power
Commission and the Maryland public Service
Commission, subject to the applicable rules,
regulations, and procedures of the Public Service
[5.] 2. In accordance with Article 41, §
15B(c-1) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, any
person violating this Order shall be subject to a