Hygiene shall cooperate with and give assistance to
the Executive Director in order that the Agency may
operate efficiently to carry out its functions,
duties and responsibilities.
2. State Health Coordinating Council
(a) The State Health Coordinating Council is
created as a unit in the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene for budgetary and administrative
(b) The Council shall consist of any ex
officio representative of the Veterans
Administration required under Section 1524(b)(1)(D)
of Public Law 93—641 and 33 members appointed by the
Governor as follows:
(1) Each of the five health systems
agencies in the State shall submit a list of
at least eight nominees to the Governor. Of
these nominees, four shall be consumers who
are not providers of health care, and four
shall be providers of health care, at least
one of which shall be an indirect provider, as
these terms are defined in Public Law 93—641
and the Regulations issued thereunder. From
each list of nominees, the Governor shall
select four persons, thereby providing an
equal representation from each of the five
health service agencies. Of the persons
selected from each list, two shall be
consumers who are not providers, and two shall
be providers.
(2) The remaining thirteen members
shall be appointed by the Governor without
regard to nominations. Consideration shall be
given to population densities, a fair
geographical representation, and any unique
needs or circumstances of the areas of the
State in making these appointments. At least
eight of these persons shall be individuals
who are consumers and not providers of health
care, and to the extent not otherwise
adequately included in the appointments made
under paragraph 2(b)(1) hereof,
representatives of State and local
governmental agencies and non—governmental
organizations and groups concerned with health
shall be included.
(c) The Council shall perform the functions,
duties, and responsibilities authorized to be
performed by or specifically delegated to it under
Public Law 9 3-641.