extension of comprehensive health planning programs
provided for in the Federal Public Health Service
Act and in particular the Comprehensive Health
Planning and Public Health Services Amendment of
1966 (Public Law 89-749); and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly, by the enactment of and
amendments to Article 41, Section 59C of toe
Annotated Code of Maryland, has given official
statutory recognition to the national health
planning programs provided for in Public Laws 89—749
and 93—641, and has authorized the Governor to
implement those federal laws; and
WHEREAS, In particular, the General Assembly, in Section
59C of Article 41, has directed the Governor (1) to
designate a single State agency as the sole agency
for administering or supervising the administration
of the State's health planning functions, (2) to
appoint a State Health Planning Council to advise
the comprehensive health planning agency, and (3) to
implement Public Law 93-641 in accordance with its
provisions; and
WHEREAS, The functions and responsibilities of the State
Health Planning and Development Agency provided for
in Public Law 93—641 are, by Article 41, Section
59C, committed to the State Comprehensive Health
Planning Agency, which is required by Article 41,
Section 59C and 206 (e) to be part of the Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly has declined to otherwise
provide for the implementation of Public Law 93—641
by further legislation; and
WHEREAS, In order to implement Public Law 93—641 in
accordance with its provisions, it is necessary for
me to-do so by Executive Order; and
WHEREAS, In accordance with Article II, Section 24, of
the Constitution of Maryland, the implementation of
Public Law 93—641 by Executive Order may not be
inconsistent with existing law; and
WHEREAS, In accordance with applicable provisions of
federal law, public hearings have been held
throughout the State with respect to the State's
proposed method of complying with Public Law 93-64 1,
and the comments received from those hearings have
been duly considered; and
WHEREAS, Discussions have been held with representatives
of the United States Department of Health, Education
and Welfare and the State Law Department, and
opinions have been received from them that the