464 of the Acts of 1976 was submitted to the voters of
Garrett County, Maryland under the provisions of Article
XVI of the Constitution of the State of Maryland, said
Act being as follows;
AN ACT concerning Garrett County — Sunday Sales.
For the purpose of excepting Garrett County from the
prohibitions on the Sunday sale of merchandise, with a
certain exception; and providing for an emergency
effective date.
And it is hereby certified that at said election,
5,157 votes were cast for the adoption of said Chapter
464 and 1,848 votes were cast against the adoption of
said Chapter 464, the said Chapter 464 of the Acts of
1976 has therefore been ratified by the voters of Garrett
County, Maryland.
GIVES Under My Hand and the Seal of the State
Administrative Board of Election Laws of the State of
Maryland, Done at the City of Annapolis, this 23rd day of
November, In the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Nine
Hundred and Seventy-Six.
(Seal of State
Administrative Board of
Election Laws)
Willard A. Morris
1976, Chapter 866 — Worcester County — Liquor Dispensary
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23—11 of
Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, the State
Administrative Board of Election Laws does hereby certify
that at the General Election held in the State of
Maryland, on November 2, 1976, an Act known as Chapter
866 of the Acts of 1976 was submitted to the voters of
Worcester County, Maryland under the provisions of said
Chapter 866, said Act being as follows:
AN ACT concerning Worcester County — Alcoholic
Beverages (County Liquor Dispensary). For the purpose of
discontinuing the county liquor dispensary for Worcester
County after a certain date; providing for a portion of
the distilled spirits tax and beer tax to be paid to
certain incorporated towns in Worcester County; requiring
any licensee of alcoholic beverages in any incorporated
municipality to file certain reports with the liquor
license board which will then forward them to the County
Commissioners; making the effectiveness of this Act
subject to referendum; and clarifying language.
And it is hereby certified that at said election,