to a referendum of the voters of Prince George's County.
And it is hereby certified that at said election,
105,816 votes were cast for the adoption of said chapter
861 and 58,405 votes were cast against the adoption of
said Chapter 861, the said Chapter 861 of the Acts of
1975 has therefore been ratified by the voters of Prince
George's County, Maryland.
GIVEN Under My Hand and the Seal of the State
Administrative Board of Election Lavs of the State of
Maryland, Done at the City of Annapolis, this 23rd day of
November, In the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Nine
Hundred and Seventy-Six.
(Seal of State
Administrative Board of
Election Lavs)
Willard A. Morris
1975, Chapter 871 — Montgomery County — Land Development
and Redevelopment
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23—11 of
Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, the State
Administrative Board of Election Lavs does hereby certify
that at the General Election held in the State of
Maryland, on November 2, 1976, an Act known as Chapter
871 of the Acts of 1975 was submitted to the voters of
Montgomery County, Maryland under the provisions of said
Chapter 871, said Act being as follows:
AN ACT concerning Montgomery County — Land
Development and Redevelopment - MC 39B—75. For the
purpose of permitting Montgomery County to designate one
or more districts for development, redevelopment,
renovation, or rehabilitation in any area of the County
within the boundaries of a central business district as
designated in the local zoning ordinance which has been
designated by an adopted and approved master plan for
high intensity commercial, high intensity office, or high
density residential use and in which is located a finally
approved rapid rail transit site; permitting for certain
purposes the acquisition and disposition of land or
property, or both, within development districts;
authorizing the expending, borrowing and lending of
public funds and the issuance of bonds for certain
purposes; prohibiting the exercise of the powers granted
herein in any municipality without the consent of the
municipality; authorizing Montgomery County to exercise
additional power necessary or proper to implement the
powers granted herein; and providing that this Act is
contingent upon adoption of a certain amendment to the