and local government agencies which support
quasi—State applications in a computerized
environment and to recommend steps to be implemented
to improve State and local ADP liaison.
WHEREAS, Questions have been raised by the General
Assembly concerning the administrative structure of State
of Maryland ADP operations, the degree of coordination of
ADP activities, and the manner of procurement of ADP
equipment and software, which are being addressed by the
report of the Subcommittee on State Data Processing of
the House of Delegates Committee on Appropriations to the
1977 General Assembly; and
WHEREAS, In the process of informing itself of the
nature and extent of ADP operations and procedures, the
Subcommittee has received testimony from federal
government and local government officials who are
involved with ADP operations at their government level;
WHEREAS, The testimony received from the local ADP
officials indicates that ADP activities vary widely from
county to county, but the existing ADP programs usually
serve some of the local functions of State agencies, such
as assessments, elections, health, welfare, and
education, as well as those exclusively local government
activities, such as tax collections, budgetary controls,
issuance of permits and licenses, police, water,
engineering, and court applications; and
WHEREAS, The variety and extent of local ADP
programs indicates a need for a greater degree of
interaction and cooperation between State of Maryland ADP
operations and local government activities than now
obviously exists, leading to beneficial results for both
branches of government; now, therefore, be it
the Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning is requested
to analyze the problem of inadequate communications
between State and local jurisdictions supporting
quasi—State computer systems and to recommend specific
programs to improve the State/local interrelationships;
and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Secretary report findings,
conclusions and recommendations to the General Assembly
no later than September 1, 1977; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to
the Honorable R. Kenneth Barnes Thomas W. Schmidt,
Secretary, Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning; Mr.
Philip G. Martin, Chief, Management Information Systems