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Session Laws, 1977
Volume 735, Page 3054   View pdf image
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3054                                        LAWS OF MARYLAND                               Ch. 765 motor vehicle seized. The Administrator shall promptly
certify to the State's attorney the name and address of
the owner. The term "owner" in this subtitle includes
[lienholder] A SECURED PARTY as well as AN owner, as
those terms are defined in [Article 66 1/2 of the Code]
THE MARYLAND VEHICLE LAM. (w) This section applies to motor vehicles, as [the
term is] defined in [Article 66 1/2 of this Code] TITLE
11 OF THE TRANSPORTATION ARTICLE. 469. (a)   Any person or organization that owns, maintains
or causes to be maintained a [junkyard] JUNK YARD or
automobile graveyard, as defined [by Article 89B of the
Annotated Code of Maryland] IN §8-801 OF THE
TRANSPORTATION ARTICLE, lawfully in existence on January
1, 1972, which adjoins any river, stream, or other body
of water shall store and maintain any trash, junk,
automobiles, automobile tires, other automobile parts and
other refuse in such manner as to prevent the dumping,
depositing or transport of this matter into the waters of
the State, as defined [by Article 96A of the Annotated
ARTICLE; inform the [Department of] Water Resources
ADMINISTRATION of provisions planned or made to prevent
the dumping, depositing or transport of this matter into
the waters of the State; and comply with the provisions
of standards and specifications adopted by the
[Department of] Water Resources ADMINISTRATION as these
relate to the erection of retaining walls, or the use of
devices or procedures to restrain the dumping, depositing
or transport of this matter into the waters of the State. (b)    Where the owners and operators of a [junkyard]
JUNK YARD or an automobile graveyard, as defined [by
producing, collecting, retaining, throwing, dumping or
depositing any trash, junk or other refuse have not
erected retaining walls or other restraining devices or
procedures approved by the [Department of] Water
Resources ADMINISTRATION, the presence of any trash,
junk, automobiles, automobile tires, other automobile
parts or other refuse in waters of the State or on
embankments or other sites where it may readily fall into
or be transported into the waters of the State shall be
prima facie evidence of a violation of this section and
be subject to the penalties imposed herein. 594B. (h) Nothing in this section [shall deprive] DEPRIVES
a person of the right to receive a [summons] CITATION for
A traffic violation as provided in [Article 66 1/2 of
this Code as amended from time to time] THE MARYLAND
VEHICLE LAW or for a criminal violation, as provided by
law or rule of court.

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Session Laws, 1977
Volume 735, Page 3054   View pdf image
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