Ch. 431
performance of his duties, be covered by a surety bond in
accordance with the provisions of §§ 46 through 50 of
Article 78A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and said
Board shall make an annual report of its proceedings to
the Governor and Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene,
which report shall contain an account of all moneys
received and disbursed by them pursuant to this
(A) [Out of the funds coming into the possession
BUDGET, each BOARD member [thereof] attending [the]
meetings for examination and registration may receive as
compensation: (1) the sum of [ten dollars] $10 for each
applicant [that may be] examined; [and, further, each
member may receive as compensation a sum to be] (2) THE
PER DIEM determined by [said] THE Board [which shall not
exceed twenty-five dollars] for each day actually engaged
in the necessary duties of his office and (3) traveling
expenses [of such member] incident to attending [said]
meetings of the Board[. In addition to any amounts which
may be allowed by way of per diem and traveling expenses,
as above provided,] AND all hotel and incidental expenses
which any member may incur when attending to the
necessary duties of his office [shall be allowed to such
member. Members shall be reimbursed] in accordance with
the standard travel regulations.
(B) All moneys collected under this subtitle shall
be paid over to the State Treasurer, and shall become
general funds of the State. [Such] THE moneys shall
thereafter be disbursed by the Comptroller only pursuant
to an appropriation made in accordance with §§ 32 and 52
of Article 3 of the Constitution or pursuant to the
provisions of §§ 1 through 15, inclusive, of Article 15A
of this Code, title "Budget and Fiscal Planning," as
amended from time to time.
[373. ] 372.
(A) [No] A person [shall hereafter] MAY NOT
practice optometry[,] or use the title optometrist in the
State [of Maryland] unless he [shall] first [have
obtained] OBTAINS a certificate of registration or [one]
of examination[, and filed the same for record or a
certified copy thereof with the clerk of the county or
city of his residence, as herein provided in § 379] FROM
(B) It shall be construed as practicing optometry
for any person to prescribe, give directions or advise as
to the fitness or adaption of a pair of spectacles,
eyeglasses or lenses for another person to wear for the
correction or relief of any condition for which a pair of
spectacles, eyeglasses or lenses are used, or to use or
permit or allow the use of instruments, test cards, test