types, test lenses, spectacles or eyeglasses or anything
containing lenses, or any device for the purpose of
aiding any person to select any spectacles, eyeglasses or
lenses to be used or worn by such last—mentioned person
or by any other person.
[375.] 373.
SECTION, A person[, not exempt by § 374,] desiring to
[begin the] practice of optometry in this State shall
pass an examination before [said] THE Board [of
Examiners, in such] IN THE subjects and under [such] THE
rules and regulations [as shall from time to time be]
adopted by [said] THE Board. [Such] THE examination may
[in the discretion of said Board,] embrace all subjects
relative to optics and optometry contained in textbooks
or [that are now or may hereafter be] taught in
high-grade educational institutions teaching optics and
optometry and kindred subjects[,] and shall include the
anatomy, physiology and pathology of the eye, the use of
all instruments used in making examination of the eye,
and [such] other subjects [as said] THAT THE Board [may
deem] DETERMINES TO BE advisable. [Any]
(B) EACH applicant for examination [must not be
under eighteen] SHALL BE 18 years [of age, and must] OLD
OR OLDER, SHALL be of good moral character, and [must]
SHALL give evidence [which shall be] satisfactory to the
Board [of Examiners] of having had preliminary scholastic
and professional education equal to [such] THE CURRENT
standard [as may be] adopted by [said] THE Board. [Such]
THE scholastic and professional standards may[, in the
discretion of said Board,] be changed from time to time
to meet the demands of the profession. Information as to
the scholastic and professional standard adopted by
[said] THE Board shall be furnished to any person upon
[his] written request and shall include any change made
in [such] THE standard prior to the receipt of [such] THE
request. Any person applying for examination shall [be
required to] furnish satisfactory proof to [said] THE
Board of scholastic and professional education equal to
the standard in force at the time of [such] application
for examination, and[, upon] AFTER furnishing [such] THE
proof, shall be examined [before said Board] at [such]
THE time and place [as said] SET BY THE Board [may
designate]. Each person shall pay at the time of filing
his application such a reasonable sum [as may be]
determined by the Board to the secretary of the Board
[for the use of said Board, and if he shall pass said].
IF THE APPLICANT PASSES THE examination he shall pay to
the secretary[, for the use] of [said] THE Board[,] a
[further] reasonable sum [as may be] determined by the
Board on the issuance to him of a numbered certificate of
examination [which shall constitute]. THE CERTIFICATE
CONSTITUTES a license to practice optometry[; provided,
however, that any applicant for a certificate of
licensure who has been examined by the state board of