SECOND: That your Petitioner, Frederick County Board
of Education, owners of Parcel #2, requesting
the annexation of 10 acres of land, more or
less, (part of said parcel lying within the
Town limits), lying on the north side of East
Main Street or Maryland Route #77 and along
the present Eastern Boundary of the Town.
THIRD: That your Petitioners, Thurmont Associates, a
Maryland Limited Partnership, owners of Parcel
#3, requesting the annexation of 21.7506 acres
of land, more or less, lying on the north side
of East Main Street or Maryland Route #77 and
along the present Eastern Boundary of the
The signatures to the petition, which is attached
hereto, were ascertained by the Commissioners to
represent thirty-three and one—third (33.3%) per cent of
the residents of the areas therein who are registered as
voters in County Elections in the precinct which the
areas are located, and also the owners of one hundred per
cent (100%) of the real property located within that
The following resolution was then introduced:
[Annexation #3-75 of Thurmont in the Code of Public
Local Laws of Frederick County.
Effective Date April 25, 1975]
(Montgomery County)
Be it resolved by the Mayor and Town Council of the Town
of Washington Grove, Maryland, pursuant to the
provisions of Article 23A of the Constitution of
Maryland and subject to the approval of the
qualified voters at the Annual Town Meeting on June
14,1975, that on the 13th day of May, 1975, the
following provisions of the Charter of the Town of
Washington Grove, Montgomery County, Maryland,
enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, Session
of 1937, as amended, be and the same are hereby
repealed and re—enacted with amendments so as to
read as follows:
[Sections 84-46, 84-5(2), 84-22, 84-29, 84-31,
84-41, 84-46(b), and 84-49 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Montgomery County, repealed and reenacted, with