(House Joint Resolution No. 33)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Alcoholic Employee Rehabilitation Program
FOR the purpose of concerning private employee alcoholic
rehabilitation programs.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly notes that between 4
percent and 8 percent of the country's work force are
alcoholics, costing business $8 billion dollars to $10
billion dollars a year in absenteeism, unsatisfactory
work and related costs. Industry is in a unique position
to deal with the alcoholic problem because the fear of
losing his job motivates the alcoholic toward recovery
more powerfully than any other factor. Several companies
have a policy of rehabilitation of alcoholic employees.
Few, if any, have a policy to rehabilitate employees who
suffer from drug addiction or mental disease; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly finds and declares to
be in the public interest for employers to afford
suffering employees an opportunity to seek qualified
alcoholic rehabilitative treatment, drug addiction
treatment, or mental health treatment before discharging
them from employment. The General Assembly recognizes
the employer's responsibility to maintain safe working
conditions for employees and the general public, and his
right to transfer, furlough, or suspend any employee
jeopardizing that safety. If the employee refuses to
avail himself or herself of assistance and the abuses
continue to impair work performance, attendance, conduct
or reliability, regular disciplinary procedures for
dealing with the problem employees may be used; now,
therefore, be it
the General Assembly requests the appropriate divisions
of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to compile
data in Maryland on what companies offer alcoholic
rehabilitation, drug addiction, or mental health
treatment programs to their employees; the number of
employees in the programs; how many companies offer these
programs, and whether there is an increase in the number
of companies offering these programs in the next year and
the number of employees in the program. The Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene shall offer assistance to
any company offering these rehabilitative treatment
programs. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
shall report the data compiled, and its findings and
recommendations, to the Legislative Council by July 1,
1977; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the General Assembly shall evaluate
the findings of the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene and give consideration to the necessity of
possible future legislation; and be it further