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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 1359   View pdf image
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the following statements:

(18) A certificate signed by at least ten citizens
who [shall be] ARE owners of real estate and registered
voters of the precinct in which the business is to be
conducted, setting forth the length of time each has been
acquainted with the applicant, or in the case of a
corporation with the individuals making the application;
that they have examined the application of the applicant
and that they have good reason to believe that all the
statements contained in [said] THIS application are true,
and that they are of the opinion that the applicant is a
suitable person to obtain the license. The certificate
must have a statement that the signers [thereof] OF IT
are familiar with the premises upon which the proposed
business is to be conducted, and that they believe the
premises are suitable for the conduct of the business of
a retail dealer and alcoholic beverages. In St. Mary's
County, persons owning real estate within a five[(5)]
mile radius of the premises for which a license is sought
shall be among those persons signing the certificate.
[Provided further, however, that part (18) of this
section shall not be applicable to] THIS CERTIFICATE IS
NOT NECESSARY FOR applications filed in Prince George's
County, [and] Montgomery County AND ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY.

shall take effect July 1, 1976.

Approved May 4, 1976.


(House Bill 2098)

AN ACT concerning

Anne Arundel County - State's Attorney

FOR the purpose of requiring the salary of the State's
Attorney for Anne Arundel County to be equal to the
salary of a Circuit Court judge; providing for the
appointment of an additional deputy State's Attorney
and assistant State's Attorneys; providing for the
salary of the deputy State's Attorney and an
assistant State's Attorney; and further providing
that certain State's Attorneys shall serve full time
and may not engage in the private practice of law.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,

Article 10 — Attorneys at Law and Attorneys in Fact

Section 40(c)

Annotated Code of Maryland


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Session Laws, 1976
Volume 734, Page 1359   View pdf image
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