Volume 728, Page 339 View pdf image |
339 in Liber Q fol 365 366 at large appears And the other of the said Tracts Situate in in the Township of Newtown in the County of Sussex and Angle aforesaid adjoining Land surveyed to the Sharps and by them Sold to Joseph Barton now belonging to the said Clement Biddle and by the return thereof dated the fifteenth day of October 1780 is bounded as followeth viz.t Beginning at the beginning Corner of Sharps upper Tract by the side of Pappacotting River and near the Bridge over said River in the Road that leads to Joseph Wollins's said Corner is called a Forked Maple but is now down and a Post in the Place thence (1.st) South eleven degrees East Thirteen chains and fifty Links thence (2.d) South seventy one degrees East seventeen chains and forty Links thence (3.d) South Sixteen degrees East five Chains thence (4.th) South twenty two degrees West six chains thence (5.th) South seventy four degrees East Twelve chains and fifty Links thence (6.th) South Sixty degrees East seven chains thence (7.th) North forty nine degrees East Sixteen chains and Fifty links thence (8.th) North twenty seven degrees West sixteen chains thence (9.th) North sixty six degrees West four Chains thence (10.th) North forty six degrees East thirty six chains thence (11.th) North twelve degrees West thirteen Chains thence (12.th) South Eighty seven degrees and thirty minutes West twenty seven chains thence (13.th) South two degrees & thirty minutes East twenty five chains thence (14.th) South eighty six degrees and thirty minutes West thirty five chains and sixty four Links to the place of beginning containing one hundred and seventy five acres and the usual allowance for Highways as by the survey thereof recorded in the surveyor Generals office at Burlington aforesaid in Lib R fol 105 106 at large appears And whereas the said John Biddle by one other Indenture of the twenty third day of January in the year of our Lord 1782 for the consideration therein mentioned did grant and confirm unto his Son the said Clement Biddle his Heirs and Assigns All those Proprietary Rights of Land or Shares or Parcels of shares of Proprietary rights in the Western Division of the State of New Jersey to him the said John Biddle belonging or in any Wise appurtaining not there^to^fore surveyed and taken up that is to say one half part of a Propriety two Quarter parts of one whole Propriety and three sixth parts of one Whole Propriety making in the Whole one propriety and an half of Land in the (Western) |
Volume 728, Page 339 View pdf image |
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