Volume 726, Page 513 View pdf image |
513) his Executors Administrators and Assigns that he the ^said^ Samuel Owings and his Heirs the above granted Lands and premisses with their appurtenances unto the said John Jones his Heirs and Assigns shall and will warrant and for ever defend against a certain Valentine Rhinehart of Frederick County in the Province aforesaid Farmer his Heirs and Assigns and all every other person and persons claiming any thing therein either by from or the said Valentine Rhinehart or him the said Samuel Owings his Heirs or by their or either of their Means or procurement And Further that he the said Samuel Owings and his Heirs shall and will from time to time and at any time hereafter on the reasonable request and at the proper Cost and charge of the said John Jones his Heirs or Assigns make do and execute or cause to be made done and executed such farther and other Instrument or Instruments of Writing for the more perfect granting and assuring the Lands and premisses above mentioned to the said John Jones his heirs and Assigns (so as the said Instrument or Instruments of Writing do not contain any other warranty than is herein before mentioned or oblige the said Samuel Owings or his Heirs to convey any greater Estate than is herein express'd) as by the said John Jones his Heirs or Assigns or his or their Counsel learned in the Law shall be devised or advised and required In Witness Whereof the said Samuel Owings hath hereunto set his Hand and affixed his Seal the day and year first above written Signed Sealed and Delivered Sam.l Owings Jun.r (seal) In presence of Sam.ll Worthington Tho Hammond On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed Viz.t Received the twelveth day of Aprill 1773 of the within named John Jones Three hundred Pounds current money it being the Consideration money mentioned in the within Deed as witness my hand Witness Sam.l Owings Jun.r Sam.ll Worthington Balt.re Cot.y fs.t On the twelveth day of Aprill 1773 Came the within named Samuel Owings Junior before us the subscribers two of his Lordships Justices for the aforesaid County and Acknowledged the within deed to be his act and the parcel of Land thereby bargain'd & sold to be the Right title & Estate of the within named John Jones his heirs and Assigns for ever according to the true Intent and meaning of said Deed at the same time came Deborah wife to the said Samuel Owings Jun.r and being by us privately Examin'd out of the hearing of her said Husband Acknowledged her Right of Dower of the within Land and premisses to be the Right Title and Estate of the within named John Jones his Heirs and Assigns for Ever according to the true Intent and meaning of said Deed without being induced thereto by force or threats of Ill usage by her Husband or fear of incurring his displeasure taken and Certifyed by us the day and year first above written Sam.ll Worthington John Moale |
Volume 726, Page 513 View pdf image |
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