Volume 726, Page 493 View pdf image |
493) before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents by the said William Russell the receipt whereof he the said Henry Barnes doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully satisfied Contented and paid thereof and therefrom and from every part and parcell thereof Doth fully Clearly Absolutely aquit Exonerate and Discharge the said William Russell his Heirs Executors adm.rs And by these presents forever Hath Given Granted Bargained sold alliened Enfeoffed and Confirmed And by these presents Doth fully Clearly and Absolutely Give grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfeeoff and Confirm unto the said William Russell his heirs and assigns for ever All such Moietys or parcells of Land Viz.t a Tract of Land Called Henrys Park One Moiety or part of a tract of Land called the Invasion One Moiety or part of a tract of land called the Cumberland and one Moiety or part of a Tract of Land called the Conclusion; All which Moietys or parcells of Land are Included in the following Courses Viz.t Beginning at the Original Beginning trees of Henrys Park and running thence South fifty nine Degrees and fifteen minutes West two hundred and twenty six perches to Intersect the sixty Eight line of the aforesaid Cumberland fifteen perches from the End of the said line then North sixty two Deg.rs West fifteen perch.s then North seventy One Deg.rs thirty minuts West seventy seven perch.s to the End of the fiftieth line of said Cumberland then bounding on the said land the Eleven following Courses Viz.t North thirty five Deg.rs West Fifty six perches then North sixty Deg.rs East sixty six perches then South fifty five Deg.rs East fifty Eight perches thence North forty three Deg.rs East Eighteen perches thence North four Deg.rs West forty seven perches to a large heap of stones by a spring ^thence^ North seventy four deg.rs West Eighty perches thence North fifty three Degrees West twenty perch.s thence North seventy six perch.s thence North seventy deg.rs East fifty four perch.s to a white Oak mark'd with nine Notches thence South thirty three Deg.rs East sixty seven perches thence North sixty five Degrees East fifty one perches to two bounded white Oaks they being boundarys of a Tract of Land Called Conclusion thence North thirteen Deg.rs East twenty four perch.s to the End of the one hundred and seventeenth line of the affsd Invasion then North Fifty five Deg.rs East twenty nine perches thence North twenty five degrees West three perches thence North fifty five Degrees East forty four perches thence East twenty perches thence South sixty three deg.rs East forty six perches to the End of the One hundred and Fifteenth line of the affsd Invasion then South sixty four degrees East sixty six perches to the End of the Forty fifth line of the affsd Invasion then With the said Land reverse of the Courses thereof South fifty two degrees East One hundred and two perches thence south thirty five degrees west Eighty perch.s then North Seven Degrees East seventeen and a half perches to the End of the twentieth Line of the land Called Adams Forrest then by a streight line to the first Beginning Containing within the Courses and bounds the Quantity of four hundred and twenty five acres of land More or less Together with all houses fencings orchards and all and every Other Improvements and appurtinances to the same or any part or parcel thereof |
Volume 726, Page 493 View pdf image |
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