Volume 726, Page 384 View pdf image |
384 hath granted bargained sold remised released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell remise release and confirm unto him the said Edward Hall son of Henry his Heirs and Assigns all the Estate Right Title and Interest of him the said Thomas Rutland of into or out of the Right of Reversion which he hath in and to the third part laid off for the Widow of the said Benjamin Welsh the said third part being included within the following Metes and Bounds that is to say Beginning at the End of one hundred and thirty perches on the South forty one Degrees West Line of the Survey and running thence East seventy perches thence South forty eight Degrees East one hundred and ten perches thence South twenty eight Degrees West forty perches thence South eighty nine Degrees West one hundred eighty eight perches to the North West Line of the original thence North fifty one Degrees and an half Degree West twenty nine perches to the bounded Gum in the branch thence with a straight Line to the Beginning containing one hundred and twelve Acres more or less together with all and singular the Houses Buildings Edifices and Improvements to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the same parcel of Land called Part of Arnold's Grey hereby sold or intended so to be and premisses with the Appurtenances unto him the said Edward Hall Son of Henry his Heirs and Assigns to his and their own proper Use and Behoof forever and to no other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever and the said Thomas Rutland for himself and his Heirs the aforesaid Part or parcel of Land hereby sold containing one hundred and twelve Acres more or less and other the premisses with the Appurtenances unto him the said Edward Hall Son of Henry his Heirs and Assigns against him the said Thomas Rutland and his Heirs and against all other person or persons whatsoever claiming by from or under him or them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said Thomas Rutland hath hereunto set his Hand and affixed his Seal the Day and Year first above written Signed sealed and delivered Tho.s Rutland (seal) In the presence of (the Word the and the Word no being first interlined W.m Stewart Rob.t Couden The aforegoing Deed was thus endorsed Viz.t Received of the within named Edward Hall Son of Henry the Sum of one hundred pounds sterling being the Consideration Money within mentioned to be by him paid to me the Day and Year first within written Witness W.m Stewart Tho.s Rutland Rob.t Couden On the twenty sixth day of September 1772 came before us the Subscribers two of his Lordships Justices of the peace for Ann Arundel County the within named Thomas Rutland and acknowledged |
Volume 726, Page 384 View pdf image |
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