Volume 726, Page 380 View pdf image |
380 his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them by these presents have and each of them hath given granted bargained sold aliened released enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents do and each of them doth give grant bargain sell alien release enfeoff and confirm unto him the said Robert Lawson his Heirs and Assigns forever all that Tract or Parcel of Land called Want Water containing one hundred Acres lying and being in Charles County devised in Tail by Richard Jones to his Grandson Richard Higgins one of the parties to these presents together with all the Houses Buildings Gardens Orchards Ways Waters Water Courses Timber Timber Trees Woods Under Woods Profits Priviledges Easements Advantages and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Tract or Parcell of Land belonging or in anywise appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof and of every part and parcel thereof and all the Estate Right Title Interest Use Trust Possession property claim and Demand of them the said John Delozier and Richard Higgins and each of them their and each of their Heirs of in and to the said Tract and Parcel of Land and every part thereof to have and to hold the said Tract and parcel of Land with its Rights Members and Appurtenances to him the said Robert Lawson his Heirs and Assigns to the only proper Use and Behoof of him the said Robert Lawson his Heirs and Assigns forever To the Intent to make him the said Robert Lawson Tenant of the Freehold of the said Premisses against whom a Common Recovery of the said Tract of Land and Premisses by double or by single Voucher may be had and suffered at the next ensuing provincial Court or at some succeeding provincial Court which said Recovery so to be had and suffered shall be and enure and shall be adjudged deemed and taken to be and enure To the Use and Behoof of the said Robert Lawson and his Heirs and Assigns forever and to or for no other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever And the said John Delozier and Richard Higgins each of them for themselves their and each of their Heirs Exors and Admrs do and each of them doth hereby covenant and grant to and with the said Robert Lawson his Heirs and Assigns in Manner and Form following to Wit that they the said John Delazier and Richard Higgins and each of them and their and each of their Heirs the Tract of Land aforesaid with its Rights Members and Appurtenances from and against all and every person or persons whatsoever to the aforesaid Robert Lawson his Heirs and Assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend and further that the said John Delazier and Richard Higgins and each of them and their and each of their Heirs and all persons claiming or to claim by from or under them or either or any of them shall and will at any Time and Times hereafter on the reasonable Request Costs and Charges in the Law of the aforesaid Robert Lawson his Heirs and Assigns make do suffer and acknowledge and execute all and every such further Acts Deed and Assurances as shall or may be advised devised or required for the more effectual assuring and conveying the said Tract or Parcel of Land |
Volume 726, Page 380 View pdf image |
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