Volume 726, Page 243 View pdf image |
243 as the Parties executing are of the proper Hand Writings of the said James Simson, John Baird and Alexander Crighton respectively and that the Names John Rowand and John Luke thereunto set as the subscribing Witnesses are of the proper Hand Writing of these Deponents respectively In Faith & Testimony whereof I the said Lord Provost and the said Deponents have hereunto set our Hands And I have also L.S. caused the common Seal of the said City of Glasgow to be hereto put and affixed at Glasgow aforesaid the ninth Day of May in the Year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred & seventy one Colin Dunlop John Rowand John Luke veritatem præmissorum attestor John Buchanan Jun.r Notary Publick Recorded the 23.d Day of Sept.r 1771 X.d Know all men by these Presents That We, Robert Dreghorn Esquire, Matthew Orr Esquire, James Simson, James Brown and James Corbett Junior all of the City of Glasgow in North Britain Merchants and Partners in Trade under the Firm and Title of James Brown and Company Merchants in Glasgow for divers good Causes and Considerations us hereunto moving Have made ordained authorized constituted and appointed And by these Presents Do make ordain authorize constitute and appoint Alexander Hamilton Merchant at Piscataway in the Province of Maryland our and each of our true certain and lawfull Attorney for us & each of us & in our Names & for our own proper Use and Benefit to ask demand levy sue for recover and receive of & from all and every Persona nd Persons whatsoever in the said Province of Maryland or in the Colony of Virginia or else where whom it doth or shall concern and their Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns & every of them all & every such Sum or Sums of Money Debts Dues Demands Goods Wares Merchandize Estates Chattels & other Subjects and Effects whatsoever which now are or hereafter shall be or become due indebted owing payable or belonging unto us or either of us for or upon account of our Store & trading Business at Piscataway aforesaid under (the) |
Volume 726, Page 243 View pdf image |
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