Volume 726, Page 166 View pdf image |
166 bargained sold Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents Doth give grant bargain sell Enfeoff and Confirm unto the said Samuel Galloway ^and^ his Heirs and Assigns all and every of those three lots and one half Lot of Ground lying and being in the City of Annapolis and Adjacent and bounding on the River Severn which said Lots and half Lot formerly belonged to Patrick Creagh of the said City and are Distinguished and Commonly known by the Name of the Brew House and Powder House Lots and including the said Houses with all and every the Buildings Edifices Fences Improvements Emoluments and Advantages whatsoever thereon or on any or either of them Erected or Build situated lying or being or to or with them or any or either of them used occupied enjoyed or belonging with their and every of their appurtenances and the Reversion or Reversions Remainder or Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof and of every Part and Parcel thereof and also all the Estate Right Title Interest Use Trust Property Claim and Demand whatsoever both at Law and Equity of him the said Bartholomew Pomeroy of into or out of the aforesaid ^three^ several Lots of Ground and half a Lot of Ground the Premisses and appurtenances and every Part thereof Concerning or Relating to the Premisses or to any or either of them To have and to hold the aforesaid Lot and half a Lot of Ground and Premisses with their and every of their Appurtenances unto him the aforesaid Samuel Galloway his Heirs and Assigns To and for the only proper use and Behoof of him the said Samuel Galloway his Heirs and Assigns forever and to and for no other use Interest or Purpose whatsoever And the said Bartholomew Pomeroy doth hereby nominate Constitute and Appoint Ralph Forster and Frank Leake his Attorneys jointly and either of them his Attorneys severally for him and on his behalf before some person or Persons in the Province of Maryland legally Authorized for that Purpose to make an acknowledgment of this Instrument of writing in Due form of Law pursuant to the Acts of Assembly of the aforesaid Province in order that a Fee Simple in the Lots of Ground and half a Lot aforesaid and Premisses may be conveyed to the Samuel Galloway and to his Heirs forever In Witness whereof the Parties to these presents have hereunto set their Hands and Seals the Day and year first above written Signed Sealed and Delivered Henry Procter J.r Barth Pomeroy (seal) In the Presence of Tho.s Jordon On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was Endorsed as follows to wit Received of the within named Samuel Galloway the within Sum of Three hundred and thirty pounds Sterling being the Consideration money within mentioned to be by him paid to me Witness Henry Procter J.r Barth Pomeroy Tho.s Jordan On the first day of April seventeen hundred and seventy one Came Henry Procter Jun.r one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the within Deed before me the subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court and made oath on the Holy Evangels of almighty God that on the Twenty second Day of November Seventeen hundred and Seventy within mentioned he the said Henry Procter Jun.r did see the within named Bartholomew Pomeroy Sign Seal and as his Act and Deed deliver the within Instrument of writing for the uses therein mentioned and sign the above Receipt and (that) |
Volume 726, Page 166 View pdf image |
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