Volume 726, Page 165 View pdf image |
165 and Assigns To and for the only Proper Use and Behoof of the said Joseph Ennalls Jun.r his Heirs and Assigns forever and to and for none other Use Intent or Purpose whatsoever And all the other part of the aforesaid Tracts parts of Tracts or Parcels of Land and Premisses herein mentioned which is situate lying and being to the Southward of the Division Lines last mentioned and Described; To the Use and Behoof of the said Elizabeth wife of the said Hugh Eccleston for and during her natural Life remainder to the sole use and Behoof of the said Hugh Eccleston his Heirs and Assigns forever and to and for none other use Intent or Purpose whatsoever In Testimony whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably set their Hands and affixed their Seals the Day and Year first above written Signed Sealed and Delivered Hugh Eccleston (seal) in Presence of us Elizabeth Eccleston (seal) W.m Ennalls Joseph Ennalls Jun.r (seal) Jn.o Goldsborough Mary Ennalls (seal) Rob.t Harrison (seal) John Murray (seal) On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed to wit, Maryland Dorchester County to wit Be it remembred that the aforenamed Hugh Eccleston and Elizabeth his wife Joseph Ennalls Jun.r and Mary his wife and John Murray came before us the subscribers two of his Lordships Justices of the Peace for Dorchester County and did severally acknowledge the aforewritten Instrument of writing to be their respective Act and Deed to and for the Uses Intents and Purposes therein mentioned and Declared and the Lands and Premisses therein mentioned with their Appurtenances and every Parcel thereof to be the Right and Estate of the therein named Robert Harrison his Heirs and Assigns according to the true Intent meaning form and effect of the same Deed and the Act of Assembly in such Case made and Provided And we do hereby further Certify that immediately before taking the same Acknowledgment we did privately examine the said Elizabeth and Mary severally & apart out of the Hearing of their respective Husbands who did then severally declare and assert that they should make their Acknowledgment respectively willingly and freely and without being induced thereto by Fear or Threats of or ill usage by their said respective Husbands or fear of their Displeasure Taken and Certified the fourth Day of April in the year seventeen hundred and seventy one By us W.m Ennalls 18¼ sides Recorded this 18th April 1771 Jn.o Goldsborough X.d This Indenture made this twenty second Day of November one Thousand seven hundred and Seventy Between Bartholomew Pomeroy of the City of London in Great Britain Surviving Assignee of John Philpot and John Hutchinson late of London merchants Bankrupts of the one Part and Samuel Galloway of the Province of Maryland of the other part Witnesseth that the said Bartholomew Pomeroy for and in Consideration of the Sum of Three hundred and thirty pounds Sterling to him in hand paid by the said Samuel Galloway before the Ensealing and Delivery of these Presents the receipt whereof the said Bartholomew Pomeroy doth hereby acknowledge and whereof and wherefrom doth acquit and Discharge the said Samuel Galloway his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns Hath given granted (bargained) |
Volume 726, Page 165 View pdf image |
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