Volume 726, Page 164 View pdf image |
164 Rights Members and Appurtenances to him the said Robert Harrison his Heirs and Assigns forever To the Intent and Purpose only that the said Robert Harrison shall and may become perfect Tenant of the Freehold and Inheritance of the said Lands and Premisses and shall and may stand and be seised thereof untill a good and Perfect Common Recovery with Double Vouchees may be duly had suffered and executed of the said Tracts parts of Tracts or Parcels of Land and Premisses aforesaid according to the usual Course of Common Recoveries for the Assurance of Lands and Tenements in such Cases used and accustomed And thereupon it is hereby covenanted granted and agreed by and between all the said Parties to these Presents that the said Robert Harrison shall and will before the End of this April Provincial Court coming permit and suffer the said John Murray to sue forth and Prosecute against him the said Robert Harrison one or more writ or writs of Entry Sur Disseisin en le post returnable before the Justices of the Provincial Court thereby demanding against the said Robert Harrison the said Tracts parts of Tracts and Parcels of Land and Premisses herein before mentioned with the Appurtenances by such Name & Names Number of Acres Quanties and other Additions and Discriptions to ascertain the same as shall be Apt and Convenient in that behalf to which writ or writs the said Robert Harrison shall appear Gratis in his proper Person or by ^his^ Attorney or Attornies lawfully Authorized and shall vouch to warrant the said Hugh Eccleston and Elizabeth his wife and Joseph Ennalls Jun.r and Mary his wife who shall likewise appear gratis in their Proper Persons or by their Attorney or Attornies lawfully Authorized and shall and will enter in the said warranty and Vouch over to warrant the same Premisses the Common Vouchee who shall thereupon appear and enter into the said warranty and Imparl and afterwards make Defaut and such further and other Proceedings shall be therein so that one or more good and Perfect Common Recovery or Recoveries with Double Voucher shall and may be had suffered perfected and Executed in all things according to the usual Form of Common Recoveries with Double Voucher for Assurance of Lands in such Cases used and accustomed And it is hereby further Covenanted Granted concluded agreed and Declared by and between all the said Parties to these Presents for themselves and every of them their and every of their Heirs that the said Common Recovery so or in any other manner to be had and suffered as aforesaid of the aforesaid Lands and Premisses with the Appurtenances between the said Parties to these presents shall enure and be and shall be construed deemed and taken to enure and to be to the several uses Intents and Purposes herein after mentioned and Declared (that is to say) All that Part of the aforesaid Tracts Parts of Tracts or Parcels of Lands and Premisses herein mentioned which is situate lying and being to the Northward of the Division lines following to wit Beginning at the aforesaid marked Gum it being the first bounder of the said Tracts called Good luck & Clarks Range thence running on and with the first Course or line of the said Land called Clarks Range South East twenty Perches to a marked Post thence runing South Eighty eight Degrees East two hundred Perches to another mark post standing at the Head of a branch called the Murtle branch lying between Indian Cabbin neck & Landing Neck thence South forty six Degrees East with the south side of the said Branch until lit intersects the Line of the said Land called Good luck to the Use and Behoof of the said Joseph Ennalls Jun.r his Heirs (and) |
Volume 726, Page 164 View pdf image |
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