Volume 725, Page 697 View pdf image |
697 Together with all Rights Profits Benefits Priviledges and Advantages Premises and Appurtenances to the said Bargain'd Parcel of Land belonging or in any wise appertaining To Have and to Hold the said Bargain'd Parcel of Land with the Premises and Appurtenances unto him the said Anthony Havely his Heirs and Assigns for ever and to his and their only proper use and Behoofe and the said Samuel Owings Jun.r for himself & his Heirs doth hereby Covenant and grant Promise and Agree to and with the said Anthony Havely his Heirs and Assigns that he the said Samuel Owings Jun.r and his Heirs shall and will Warrant and Defend the said Bargain'd Parcel of Land with the Premises and Appurtenances unto him the said Anthony Havely his Heirs and Assigns for ever against all and all Manner of Person or Persons lawfully Claiming or hereafter Lawfully to Claim from by or under him the said Samuel Owings Jun.r or his Heirs or by their means or Procurement In Witness whereof the said Samuel Owings Jun.r hath hereunto set his hand and Affixed his Seal the Day and Year first above Written Sign'd Sealed and Delivered W.m Hardy In Presence of us Daniel Gover Sam.l Owings Jun.r (seal) On the Back of the aforegoing Deed was thus Endorsed Viz.t Received the 2.d Aprill 1770 of the within mentioned Anthony Havely Fifty eight Pounds Currant Money being the Consideration Money mentioned in the within Deed As Witness my hand Test W.m Hardy Sam.l Owings Jun.r On the 2.d Day of Aprill 1770 Came the within named Samuel Owings Jun.r before me the Subscriber and Acknowledged the within Deed to be his Act and the Parcel of Land thereby Bargain'd and Sold to be the Right & Title of the within named Anthony Havely his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the true Intent and meaning of said Deed As Witness Geo Steuart Baltimore County fs.t On the 5.th April 1770 Came Deborah Owings wife of the said Samuel Owings Jun.r before the Subscribers two of his Lordships Justices for said County who being privatly Examined out of the Hearing of her said Husband Declared she acknowledged her Right of Dower to the within Land & Premises to be the Right and Estate of the within Named Anthony Havely his Heirs and Assigns forever without any Threats or fear of her said Husbands Displeasure As Witness our Hands Sam.l Worthington John Moale Maryland Baltimore County to wit I hereby Certifie that Samuel Worthington & John Moale before whom the foregoing Acknowledgment was made & take were at the taking and Making the same and still are two of the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his Justices of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid duly and legally Authorized and sworn and that to all such Acknowledgments before them so made taken and subscribed all due Faith and Credite is and ought to be given as well in Justice Court as thereout In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and L S Affixed the Seal of the County aforesaid this 9.th Day of April 1770 A Lawson Clk |
Volume 725, Page 697 View pdf image |
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