Volume 725, Page 696 View pdf image |
696 Acknowledged the within Deed to be his Act and the Parcel of Land thereby Bargain'd and Sold to be the Right and Title of the within named Archable Barr his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the true Intent & meaning of said Deed As Witness Geo Steuart On the 5.th April 1770 Came Deborah Owings Wife of the said Samuel Owings Jun.r before the Subscribers two of his Lordships Justices for Baltimore County who being privatly examined out of the Hearing of her said Husband & Declared she Acknowledged her Right of Dower of the within Land and Premises to be the Right and Estate of the within named Archable Barr his Heirs and Assigns for ever without any Threats or fear of the Displeasure of her said Husband As Witness our Hands Sam.l Worthington John Moale Maryland Baltimore County to wit I hereby Certifie that Mess.rs Samuel Worthington and John Moale before whom the above Acknowledgment were taken was at the taking of the same and still are two of his Lordships the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his Justices of the Peace for the County aforesaid Lawfully Authorized and Assigned and to all Acknowledgments by them so taken and signed due faith & Creditt is and ought to be given in Justices Court and thereout In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand L S and Affixed the Publick Seal of the County aforesaid this 9.th Day of April 1770 A Lawson Clk Receiv'd of Archibald Barr the Sum of Ten Shillings Sterling it being the Alienation Fine on the within Land for the use of Lord Baltimore by Virtue of a Commission from John Morton Jordan his said Lordships Agent and Receiver General 8 Sides J Brice Recorded 10.th April 1770 X.d This Indenture made the second Day of Aprill in the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and seventy Between Samuel Owings Jun.r of Baltimore County and Province of Maryland of the one part and Anthony Havely of Frederick County and said Province of the other part Witnesseth that the said Samuel Owings Jun.r for and in Consideration of the Sum of Fifty eight Pounds Currant Money to him in hand paid by the said Anthony Havely the receipt of which the said Samuel Owings Jun.r doth hereby Acknowledge and himself to be therewith fully Satisfy'd Contented & paid Hath given granted Bargain'd sold Aliend Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents doth give grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfeoffe and Confirm unto him the said Anthony Havely his Heirs & Assigns for ever all that part of a Tract or Parcel of Land called the Resurvey or Owings Chance lying and being in Frederick County aforesaid which is Contain'd within the following Metes and Bounds Courses & Distances Viz.t Begining the part hereby bargain'd and sold at the end of the Second Line of a Tract of Land called Michaels Luck & runing thence West one Hundred & Sixty Perches South forty perches North Eighty one West forty six Perches North Ninety Perches South Eighty eight East two hundred and Thirty four perches and then by a Direct Line to the Begining Containing Eighty three Acres of Land |
Volume 725, Page 696 View pdf image |
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