Volume 725, Page 20 View pdf image |
(20) Examined This Indenture made this thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and Sixty five Between Benjamin Duvall the third of Frederick County in the Province of Maryland Planter of the one part & Daniel Stephenson of P. Georges County and Province aforesaid Merchant of the other part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Duvall the third for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and forty five pounds Ten Shillings Current Money in hand paid by the said Daniel Stephenson the Receipt whereof the said Benjamin Duvall the third doth hereby acknowledge and of every part thereof doth hereby acquit exonerate & fully discharge the said Daniel Stephenson Hath Given Granted Bargained and sold as by these presents the said Benjamin Duvall the third doth Give Grant Bargain & sell unto the said Daniel Stephenson his heirs & assigns forever all that Tract or parcell of Land called the Addition to Easy Purchase Lying scituate & being in Frederick County Beginning at a Bounded white oak standing on the west side of the TS Branch and runing thence south Twenty degrees west Eleven perches then North forty nine degrees west forty five and a half perches then south Twenty One degrees West one hundred and thirty one perches then North Eighty Two degrees West Forty Two perches then North Eleven degrees West one hundred & two perches North fifty three degrees East fifty four perches then North Twenty three degrees west Forty five perches then North fifty six degrees west ninety four perches then North Forty seven degrees East Seventy Eight & a half perches then with a Straight Line to the Beginning Tree containing and now Laid out for one hundred & forty five & a half acres of Land more or Less To have and to hold the said Lands and premisses together with all and singular the Improvements Coveniences and Advantages to the said one hundred and forty five and a half acres of Land contained with the metes & Limits afore expressed Belonging or in any manner of way appertaining to the only proper use and Behoof of him the said Daniel Stephenson his heirs and Assigns forever and to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever and the said Benjamin Duvall the third (doth) |
Volume 725, Page 20 View pdf image |
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