twenty eight Perches
North sixty seven Degrees west thirty six Perches,
south forty four Degrees
West One hundred and thirty eight perches, north fifteen
Degrees East One hundred
Perches, to the beginning Tree of said Land still with
said Land North thirty five
Degrees West seventy six perches, south sixty
four Degrees West twenty
perches, south fourteen Degrees East Thirty ^perches^ south
twelve Degrees West fifty
six perches then south thirty five Degrees West
thirty five perches to the
end of Twenty three perches on the sixth line
of the afsd Land called
the Resurvey on Saplin hill then with said Land
Reverst North thirty Degrees
west twenty three Perches North sixty degrees
west one hundred Perches
south forty eight degrees West thirty Perches to George
Scotts Land afsd then with
said Land North eighteen Degrees West seventy
Perches South eighty five
Degrees West ninety four perches then south five
Degrees West one hundred
and ninety Perches to the end of the third line of a
Tract of Land called Rich
Forrest then with said Land reverst North seventy
two Degrees West fifty six
perches North eighty Degrees West forty Perches
North nineteen Degrees West
twelve perches to the beginning Tree of said
Land then North fifty five
Degrees West sixty perches North thirty three degrees
east forty perches North
forty five Degrees West fifty Perches North fifty three
Degrees east fifty perches
North ten Degrees West forty Perches south eighty
degrees West twenty six
perches North twenty degrees West one hundred
perches south seventy four
degrees east sixty seven perches to the end
of the third line of a Tract
of Land ^called^ Bush Creek, then with said Land south
twenty one Degrees East
Sixty perches, south Eighty three Degrees east sixty
Perches, North three degrees
West thirty two perches, to the Beginning Tree of
said Land still with said
Land North thirty one Degrees west thirty two perches
North fifty five Degrees
West forty perches, then North forty six perches North
thirty eight degrees east
thirty four perches, North eighty three degrees east fifty
six perches, south forty
three Degrees East thirty perches, North seventy six
Degrees East One hundred
and four Perches, south seventy eight Degrees East forty
Perches, North sixteen Degrees
east forty Perches North forty Degrees East thirty perches