Ely Dorsey for and in consideration
of the Caution Money and proportion of
charges aforesaid paid and
to be paid and in compliance with the Contract and Will
of his Deceased Father as
also for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings to him
in Hand paid Hath
Granted Remised Released and Confirmed and by these Presents Doth
Grant Remise Release and
Confirm unto him the said William Hall his Heirs and
Assigns All that part
of the Tract or Parcel of Land aforesaid called Dorsey's Partnership
agreeable to the Division
made by the said Joseph Plummer contained within the following
Metes and Bounds that is
to say Beginning for the said Part belonging to William Hall
and his Heirs at five marked
black Oaks and three marked white Oaks standing near or
about the end of the Twenty
eighth Course and running South thirty four Degrees West
eight Perches south twenty
three Degrees East Eighty Perches south Eleven Degrees
West fifty four perches
to the Beginning Tree of a TRact of Land called Rockey Hill
then with a Tract of Land
taken up by John Hammond south eighty six Degrees
West forty eight perches
North forty six Degrees West thirty Perches south forty
Degrees West one hundred
and three Perches south seventeen Degrees east sixty
Perches then south seventy
four Degrees West sixty seven Perches, to the Beginning
Tree of a Tract of Land
called Hickory Plains, then south fifty seven Degrees
West sixty Perches to the
end of the fifth Line of said Land, the with said Land
North sixteen Degrees West
forty Perches, North ten Degrees East Twenty Perches
North Twenty Degrees West
forty Perches, to a Tract of Land taken up by George Scott
then with said Land North
Eighteen Degrees West fifty two perches, south fifty seven
Degrees West twenty six
perches, North fifty nine Degrees West thirty perches, North
four Degrees East thirty
two Perches, North seventy four Degrees West fourteen perches,
to the end of the seventh
Line of a Tract of Land called the Resurvey on Saplin
Hill, then with said Land
reverst, North eight Degrees East one hundred and
sixty two perches, North
thirty Degrees west twenty nine Perches to the end of the
seventh line of a Tract
of Land called Bachelors Harbour, then with said Land North
Eighty four Degrees East
thirty seven Perches south seventy eight Degrees east
thirty six pearches, North
fifteen Degrees east thirty four Perches, North fifty Degrees
east sixty perches, North
eleven Degrees east thirty perches, North thirty four Degrees East