his Heirs and Assigns according
to the true Intent and Meaning
of the same Deed and the
Act of Assembly in Such case made
and Provided
Acknowledged before
17 sides Recorded 22.d April 1762
J Hepburn
Ex.d This Indenture made this Twenty third Day of March
in the Year of our Lord
One Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty two
Between William Cromwell
of Ann Arundel County Planter and
John Brice of the same county
Esquire of the one Part and Jonathan
Pinkney of Ann Arundel County
of the other Part Witnesseth
that the said William Cromwell
and John Brice for and in consideration
of the sum of five Shillings
Sterling Money to each of them
in hand paid at or before
the Sealing and Delivery of these presents
the receipt whereof they
do hereby respectively acknowledge Have and
each of them Hath bargained
and Sold and by these Presents Do and
each of them Doth bargain
and Sell unto him the said Jonathan
Pinkney All that Tract
or Parcel of Land lying and being in
Ann Arundel County aforesaid
on Curtis's Creek called Cromwells
first Seat containing five
hundred and twenty three Acres of
Land more or less also all
that Tract or Parcel of Land called
Mascals Hope lying and being
in Ann Arundel County
aforesaid on teh North Side
of Curtis's Creek containing one hundred
Acres of Land more or less
And also all that Tract or Parcel
of Land lying and being
in Ann Arundel County aforesaid called
Phillips Fancy containing
sixty Acres of Land more or less
Together with all Edifices
Buildings Gardens Orchards Ways Waters
Water Courses Commodities
Priviledges Improvements Emoluments
Advantages and Appurtenances
whatsoever to teh same Tracts or Parcels
of Land or any or either
of them belonging or appurtaining and the
Reversion and Reversions
Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues