to be fully satisfied contented
and paid and thereof and
of every part and parcel
thereof doth exonerate acquit and
discharge the said Aaron
Rawlings his Heirs and assigns
for ever
Hath given granted bargained sold assigned
Aliened Enfeoffed Transferred
and Confirmed And by these
Presents Doth give grant
Bargain sell assign alien
Enfeoff transfer and Confirm
unto him the said Aaron
Rawlings his Heirs and Assigns
for ever all that Tract
or Parcel of Land called
Brotherly Love lying and being
in Baltimore County
in the Province aforesaid
and situated on the North
side of Patapsco River and
Beginning at a Bounded red
Oak and three Hycories
being three Boundarys of
a Tract of Land now called
Worthington's Purchase and
running thence East North
East two hundred Perches
then south south East
fifty five perches, then
North East fourteen perches
then North one hundred and
twenty eight perches, then
West Eighty four perches,
then with a direct Line to
the first Beginning Tree
Containing and laid out for one
hundred Acres of Land be
the same more or less, Together
with all Houses out Houses,
buildings Fences, Woods
Underwoods Ways Easements
Profits Benefits Priviledges
and Appurtenances whatsoever
on the same being or to
the same or to any part
or Parcel thereof belonging
or in any wise Appertaining
and all Deeds Writings