Volume 723, Page 317 View pdf image |
(317) Gaither of Ann Arundel County Planter of the one Part and Charles Hammond Jun.r Executor of the last Will and Testament and Trustee of the Estate of Philip Hammond Esq.r deceased of the County af.d Gent.n of the other Part Witnesseth that the s.d William Gaither for and in consideration of the Sum of One hundred and Sixty one Pounds eighteen Shillings & seven pence sterling money To him in Hand already paid by the s.d Charles Hammond for & in Behalf of the Devisees under the Will of the afd Philip that is to say of Charles John Philip Denton Rezin and Matthias Hammond the Receipt whereof he the s.d William doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and from every Part & Parcel thereof acquit & discharge the s.d Charles & the Devisees under the Will afd & his & their respective Heirs Ex.rs & Adm.rs He the s.d William hath Granted bargained & sold Aliened enfeoffed conveyed & confirmed and by these Presents doth Grant bargain and Sell Alien enfeoff convey and confirm unto him the Said Charles and the Devisees afd and to his and their Respective Heirs and Assigns for ever (to be equally divided between them and their Heirs and held and enjoyed by them as Tenants in Common agreeably with the Will of s.d Testator) the three following Tracts or Parcels of land lying in the County afd and being known by the Several Names following That is to Say Two hundred Acres of Land being Part of a Tract of Land called Grinisstone (which said Parcel is now called by the Name of Gaither's Fancy) Beginning at the South West Corner of a Tract of Land called the Diamond and running North and by West two hundred Perches with the s.d Land to a standing at the North West corner thereof thence North forty one Degrees West One hundred Eighty three Perches to the West south West Line of the s.d Land thence with the s.d Line one hundred Twenty Seven Perches thence with a Streight Line to the first Bounder containing & laid out for two hundred Acres of Land more or less Also all that Tract or Parcel of Land called the Addition to Gaithers Fancy Scituate on a Branch of Putuxon River called the forked Branch Beginning at the end of the West south West Line of a parcel of Land called Gaithers Fancy which s.d Parcel being part of a Tract of Land called Grinisstone and running thence North Seventy four Deg.s West forty eight Perches thence (North) |
Volume 723, Page 317 View pdf image |
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