Volume 723, Page 119 View pdf image |
(119) Hodie Coram me Notario Publico in Consilio Brabantiz admisso Comparuerunt Dominies Joannes Carroll et Dominies henricus Rozer et Thomas Whetenhall ut Testes qui quidem Joannes Carroll in presentia mea et supradictorum ^Testium^ has presentes Litteras manu Signavit Siguo munisit et declaravit se ut actum Spontaneum eas de de sse and opus ibis in Cottentum in ujus rei fidem hoc attestor Bruxellis decimo octavo January anno millesimo septingintesimo Sexagesimo K G Hermaie Nots Nos Consles scabini et consiliaru Urbis Bruxellensis in Divertie Brabantiæ Notum facimus et Attestamue Magistrum Joannen Gerardum Hermale qui has præsentes Signavit esse Notarium publicum at que Tridelem cujus scriptio ita ab eo Signatis plena ad hibetur fides tam in Judicio quam extra in quorium fidem præsentes dictæ Urbis Sigillo Communiri et a Graphæo nostro Subsignari Jussimus hac 18 Januarii 1760 L I DeZadalum Maryland fs.t June 26 1760 Then Came before me Henry Rozer Esq.r one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the within Deed and made oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God that he saw the withn named John Carroll Sign seal and sides Deliver the said Deed as his Act and Deed for the uses intents and purposes 5½ therein Mentioned and that Thomas Whetenhall subscribed together with him the said Henry Rozer ^as^ Witness thereto at the same time sworn before J Hepburn Recorded 10th July 1760 x.d Know all men by these Presents that I John Carroll one of the sons and Devisers of Daniel Carroll late of Prince Georges County in the Province of Maryland Deceased have Ordained Constituted and Appointed John Darnall Esquire of Frederick County and Basil Warring of Prince Georges County Esquire in the Province aforesaid or either of them my true and lawful (attorney) |
Volume 723, Page 119 View pdf image |
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