Volume 720, Page 370 View pdf image |
370 on the south by a line drawn west parralell to the line in the pattent to the head line of the said five hund.d Acres of Land bounding on the west and runing according to ^y.e^ patent to the land of Stephen Benson and w.th the said Land to the first bound.d tree conta by estimation two hund.d ^& Fifty^ Acres of Land Also all that Tract or P.rcell of land Lying on the North Side of the freshes of Patuxent River which was taken up and pattented in the name of a certa.n Richard Hall which was conveyed by Elisha Hall son of the said Rich.d Hall to a certain William Head being parte of a tract of land containing one hundred and ninety six acres called & known by the name of Additionall Spittle Lying in the woods on the north side of the said freshes of Patuxent River upon the branches of Coxes Creek begining at a bounded poplar it being the south east corner tree of a parcell of Land then in possession of certaine William Wadsworth called Timberwell and runing w.th the Said Land south west two hund.d and fourty perches till it intersect the north Line of the Land which was then in the possession of a certain John Creycroft called Newing^ton^ thence running w.th the said Land one hundred and seventy perches till it intersect the west Line of the land of the afs.d Hall called Spittle and runing w.th the ^s.d^ Land North One hund.d and Six perches & thence continuing north to the first bounded tree containing & surveyed for ninety acres more or less Also that tract or Pcell of Land Lying in Baltemore County formerly laid out for a Certaine Thomas Thurston late of y.e afs.d county Deced scituate Lying and being upon the east side of Bush River in the af.d Baltemore County Begining att a bounded white oake standing at the mouth of James's Creek being a bounded tree of the Land called Turkey Hill & runing from thence downe y.e Middle branch of y.e afd River south east sixty perches to a bounded Red oake standing near the afd Branch then runing into y.e woods north west and by north five hund.d and thirty four p.s then runing west and by south one hundred and thirty perches to y.e afd land called Turkey Hill then runing by a streight line parralell with y.e said land to the first bounded tree containing and laid out for two hund.d acres more or less and called by y.e name of Strawberry Hill Also all that Tract or Pcell of land scituate Lying and being in Baltemore County adjoyning (to) |
Volume 720, Page 370 View pdf image |
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