Volume 718, Page 884 View pdf image |
884 in any wise belonging or appertaining To have and to hold the before bargined Land & primeses with and singuler the rights members & appertences unto y.e sd Thomas Hawkins his he^i^res and assignes forever and to no other use ^or^ purpus w.tsoever & y.e sd Thomas Hammond and Rebecca Hamond his wife doth from themselves their heires Executors & Adm.rs Covenant promise grant & agree to & with y.e sd Tho.s Hawkins his heires Ex.rs Adm.rs & assignes y.t y.e s.d Land & tennements ^&^ every part and persell thereof now are & be & shall & may forever hereafter stand remain continue & be unto y.e said Thomas Hawkins his heires Executors administrators & assignes thereby aquited or otherwise well & suffitiently saved hearmless of & from all former bargens sailes giulfts & grats Joynters dowres Rents others then what shall heareafter grow due to y.e Lord of y.e fee Judgments executions & from all other tytles Charges & Incumbrences w.tsoever had or made by him the sd Thomas Hammond or Rebecca Hammond his wife their heires or assignes or by any other pson or psons w.tsoever Lawfully having or Claiming any part or persell thereof by from or under him them or any ^of them^ or by the meanes asent procurement of him them or any of them and y.e sd Thomas Hammond and Rebecca Hamond his wife doth further for themselves their heires Ex.rs & adm.rs Covenat promise grant & agree to & w.th y.e sd Thomas Hawkins his heires (Executors |
Volume 718, Page 884 View pdf image |
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